Thursday, August 6, 2009


Today landon,mike and myself are all sick..i was up till 5am coughing,finally fell asleep. then lu (landon) woke up nice and early and was ready to go.even sick he wants to get out of the house.we then all fell asleep and didn't wake up till after 2:30pm. i couldnt believe we slept that long.
then it was time for errands that won't do themselves. so lu and i headed to pack and ship to seend out our ebay sales....29 packages, so we were there about an hour. well landon got his first job. the owner was so good wiith him, she had him put the packages in the right bins and then when anyone came into the store lu said...."welcome to pack and ship". it was so stinking cute.
our backyard has become a huge lumyspecial helper came outside with me a "sprayed" the yard with "kill everything except grass killer spray" landon had his own spray.....water. although he thought it was the real stuff he did awesome. then i hung our freashly,cleanned laundry.. is it weird that i really love the smell of clean laundry.
inside daddy heated up the homemade ckn noodle soup we ate for dinner with ritz crackers. yummy. during our dinner lu looked up at me and said "momsy, thanchu for helping me do the gwass." i said "no, thankyou my big boy,i hope you will still want to help me when you are bigger?. landon said,i am bigger momsy. i will leave but i will come back to get you. (me) What?? your gonna leave me? (lu) but i love you momsy, don't worry i take care of you. i will be your big lil boy....(me)....sad, i don't want him to get bigger, but at the same time i do wana see him grow up, but what kind of mother in law will i be?
things to think of...