Tuesday, August 25, 2009

today was landons first day of preschool.

today my little boy started preschool... i can't believe that after 6 years of trying to get prego that he is 3 already.. man time flies way to quickly. last night michael found our zip drive and we were looking at his birth pictures and i wanted to cry. he was so tiny and sweet. we hought he had blonde hair untill the nurses gave him a bath, then we discovered he had brown hair and blue eyes.. the drs told me i needed a c section because my belly was so huge they said he had to be all of 9 or 10 pounds.....then after 16 minutes of surgery mt baby boy came out and he was tiny,6.lbs 10.ozs. not even 7 lbs. he was a peanut. i can't believe my lil peanut went to school today. i love it. and I LOVE MY LITTLE LANDON MICHAEL ALEXZANDER! my true miracle,my lil prince.