Thursday, February 25, 2010

finishing my infertility journey

so i'm home laying on the couch in pain from my egg extraction.. the removal of hlaf of my "future children". i only had this day off from work and had to ruturn the next day.. such a bad idea. i was in such pain for about 3 days,so much for them saying "oh, it just feels likes period cramps". i was miserable,but i kept telling myself this is all worth it to become a mother!
during these few days we were in touch with the "egg doctor" she was in charge of our embryo's. she injected one single sprem into one single egg and watched as they changed from single cell and doubled and kept growing until they were mature enough to transfer them into my uterus. this first time we got 21 eggs and out of that only 5 made it to this stage and of that 3 were healthy enough to be chosin to transfer. with my age and health they thought only one embryo should be transfered do to the fact that it could spilt and i could have twins.
so 3 days after my egg retrieval i was setup for my transfer. this was so much easier then the first proceedure. i could accually be awake and watch this amazing thing happen. i was laying on a bed with my head laying down lower then my legs,an ultrasound pushed on my abdomin looking at my uterus . then a long flexi tube attached to a suringe was handed to my dr from a ajoining room from the egg dr. we were told to to watch the screen to look for a white looking light moving, this was the embryo being released into its new home hopefully for the next 9 months. this took all of maybe 15 mins from beginning to end then i was to lay with my legs up for about 30mins in the office. then off back to myhome where i was to lay low for the day.
Then i was off to work the next day and had to wait for 14 days before we could have a bloodtest to confirme whether or not the the embryo attached to my uterus. waiting,waiting it felt like an eternity. then i went in to get my blood drawn july 4th,2005 then had to wait all day at my job for a phone call, the phone call that could change our life forever. because i had to work from 9am-5pm i had michael get the call and promise me not to tell me anything until i was out of work and in my car with my husband where i could either scream with joy or cry my eyes out. so work seemed to take forever then finally it was 5pm and michael was in the car and i was so nervous,excited...... so? i said to himwhat were the results? well, he said....... were NOT pregnant! the tears streamed down my cheeks like a river,my dream was shattered.........but only for the moment. my friends and family were waiting at my house getting ready for our fourth of july party. what a crappy day to find out that ur months of painful shots and one really painful medical proceedure was a complete failure. so i pulled myself together and put on a "happy face" and joined my party...
so today is july 5th,2005, i grabbed my phone and called rsi ( our fertility clinic) and said to my nurse so when can we start again? she said don't u wana wait a month or so and then regroup? i said no i'm ready now. she was alittle surprised but we got right on it. because i was already on the birthcontrol pills at the begining of this to put me on a regimin so i didn't need to wait i could just start up on my shots again. so that night i was injected again and we continued with our treatment until we got the call for our trigger shot on augs 16th. so this was it, at 7am we were in the office for my second egg retrevial. dreading the pain of this precedure i was smart this time and took 2 weeks off from work,less stress and more couch time for recovery. i think because i knew what to expect it seemed to be much easier to handle, it still was painful but not as much as the first time.
while laying on the couch and resting our "egg dr" called and said we have some good embryo's and i think i want to wait for 5 days instead of 3 days to transfer so the embryo's have a few more days to progress and we can pick the healthest and my body can heal.
augs,21,2005 egg transfer!
so this time we decided on transfering 3 embryos giving us a greater chance of pregnancy but also a higher chance of multiples. a 75% chance of a singleton, 50% triplets, 25%twins and a smaller chance of all of them spliting and having 3 or more. but this info did'nt scare me at all, infact i would have been very blessed with any of those. i just wanted to be a mommy and would take what ever God was going to give us. so i went home and stayed on the couch and hardly moved to ensure the best for my lil embryos to implant. on day 4 i was nausous, day 5 i gagged when i brushed my teeth and had heart burn. of course i didnt say anything to anybody just incase i was imanging these symptoms
14days later we waiting for the phone call, michael grabbed the camera to take a picture of me on the phone in case it was good news. my nurse said...well jessica your pregnant!
AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH! finally, i had a little life growing inside of me. i was so happy but nervous all at once. next it was to got in every few days to get bloodwork done to make sure my hgc was rising (this ment my pregnancy was progressing) then a ultrasound 5 weeks into the pregnancy to see how many were in there

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